Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Location: Bitburg, Germany

So here is the post I've been waiting to write ever since about August. Tawni will be happy to see this one ;)

Back in August one of my friends, TJ, and I took off to Bitburg. Bitburg is an old Army post city and now that the Army has pulled out of there it is good for one thing... SKYDIVING!

So here we are getting all suited up, you can see my tandem jumper in the back with me, he's little but so cool. Pretty simple right? Well, yeah, but then they put the harness on ya, and they gotta lift ya to make sure it is on good and tight... Here's a picture of TJ getting lifted. Poor guy.

We then headed out to the plane; in the briefing they told us to duck so as not to hit our heads. Do you think I remembered that? No. I ran smack into the wing. Not fun. The plane is actually way little; so I was basically sitting right on top of my jumper. I think he actually enjoyed it. haha.

So we get up to our desired height and TJ jumps first; he was closer to the door. They also said it was so that he wouldn't chicken out, they had to make him go first ;) haha! So they open the door (it's been opened the whole time), he puts one foot out, counts to three, and the next thing I know, he's GONE! I was like what the?

Now it's my turn. Trust me, it's an adrenaline rush! Foot goes out, wind is rushing pulling you out of the plane, it's CRAZY! So again, one... two... three... Out we go! Pictures are a coming!

We free fell for about 30 seconds, and then the chute got pulled. My guy let me steer us down; it was cool! So we get to about 70 feet off the ground and he takes the straps from me, and he yells into my ear (so I could hear him), "now let's scare them..." and we begin tight spiralling down to the ground.

Everyone thought we were going to die. It was hillarious! Our landing wasn't the best, my guy being about half my size wasn't tall enough to keep us from crashing into the ground. But the guy TJ jumped with told him that my guy does that with all the pretty girls; so I dunno.

Yeah, that was us jumping. I know it was like 6 months ago, but hey, it was still fun!

Where in the world is Sara D. Ray? Now ya know.

1 comment:

Enjoy the Journey said...

IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!! That looks ssssssooooooooooo fun! I want to try!