Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Location: Enkenbach, Germany

Germany is always full of surprises. The one we had this year was a green Christmas, but a white EASTER. It was crazy, but seemed to be fun if not cold.

So it's white, and normally it will snow a lot in Germany, and for a long time, but it never sticks, so of course the boys couldn't help but want to go out and play in it. Yes, it was Sunday, but it wasn't for very long, and they were just so cute.

Yes, I did stay inside and take pictures from the balcony; I'm a chicken of the cold, so what? The two little ones just look so cute in their church clothes trying to hit me with a snowball. CRAZY boys... Had they hit me I would have had to show them something, LUCKY for me they didn't ;)

Where in the World is Sara D. Ray? Now you know.

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