Sunday, February 8, 2009

Location: Kaiserslautern, Germany

Right now I'm at that point in my life where I'm planning another move. I figure 3 years is by far enough to have been in one place, time to move once again.

This time it's serious. None of this talk about it and then changing my mind. I gotta get back to AZ and finish up my degree before I can do anything with my life.

Summer plans are in the works!!! I plan to quit work the middle of July and fly out the third week of July. From there I will fly into AZ and spend about a NIGHT there. Turn back around and fly up to Las Vegas, NV. Who knows what will ensue in Vegas but from there it's a road trip down to Cali to pick up my car in COMPTON and then drive it 'home' to AZ. Don't know specifics on dates yet, but I do know I intend to be in AZ and settling down for school by the 17th. That gives me a week to start the house hunt, job searching (IF I want to) and getting ready for school to start up.

So those are the plans. That's what life has in store for me. Traveling will be less so my updating of this blog will be less frequent than what it has been after school starts; but not completely gone. Already along with my SW tour I have plans to go to the Grand Canyon in October with a friend who served his mission over here (If he'll still go). If not I'm sure I'll go anyhow; I'm 'FROM' Arizona and I've never been. Is that even right? I don't think so.

So there are the plans for me and this summer after I leave good ole Germany. It'll be nice to get back to the states; driving might suck at first but just be patient with me as I try to learn that cruising at 90 MPH is not acceptable. I wonder if I get pulled over if I can use the excuse that I've lived in Germany for 3 years...

1 comment:

kristine said...

Oh I hate to have you leave.. but I can see the wisdom in this decision!! I hope you enjoy your schooling and the climate! Maybe I'll get to see you there!! When do you leave?

Auf Wiedersehen!