Monday, May 14, 2007

Location: Heidelberg, Germany

So I went to Heidelberg! Finally... I've been trying to get there for quite some time. Since September really. I took along with me, Cody, Wendy, Mo and Steph. It was quite fun, but I was smart and took pictures of everyone while on our train ride up there before we all got soaked, you will have to watch the change of the moods and expressions. So first here is a picture of Wendy, Cody and Mo; Mo was totally stoaked to be able to go with us. He loves Cody, and was happy to get this one time to hang out with his older brother!

Then we have the ever glamorous Stephani, what a sister she is! Yeah, we've gotten closer in the last few months, but I've always thought she is going to be way cuter than I could ever pull off. I've had some friends who agree as well.

So silly me, I directed everyone to get off at the wrong stop. So we ended up walking across pretty much the whole City, Heidelberg may not be one of the bigger cities, but it is a big city. Luckily we got to the area we needed, I piped off and asked stephani rhetorically, "Where is Sister Gabler when you need her?" Sis. Gabler served in K-town for a while last year and was recently transferred to Heidelberg. No more than a few seconds later I hear, "What is this???" I turn and see, none other than, Sister Gabler.

I love her man, she is the bestest sister in the world, this is sister as in missionary sister, until I get out anyhow :) It was so crazy to run into her, but so cool, because they then told us about the closer, WAY CLOSER, train stop up by where we wanted to go.

We continued our walk and hiding behind some buildings we found a jesuit church. Amazing building, but I always feel guilty trying to take pictures when people are in there praying, so I went out and took exterior pictures, here is one of my favs.

So after taking pictures of the jesuit chapel we went out to the street and turned up to where we were directed for the castle and what a sight we got to see it truly was cool, but because it was raining I ceased taking pictures for a while and just hiked up the stairs, when we got there, we were caught with another amazing view or two.
So the view, even with the rain coming down, it was a good day for scenery shots. Heidelberg has this river that runs right through it and the castle was an old fortress on this river.Still has one of the best views of a river I've been able to see while in Germany.So after this view I continued to take pictures, Oh I'm a picture-taking-holic! I don't know what it is about bridges, walls, churches, architecture really, but I love it. I fell subject to wanting to take pictures of the bridge that spanned the river I wanted to go and walk to it to take some more pictures of the castle, but by the time we left the castle most of us were soaked, so there went that thought.

I looked out another window and saw a cannon sitting there, I like to mess around and see if I can mess with the way I take the picture to make it look more appearling because it captrues the side of a gate, or a tree, or in this case, the top of a wall at the bottom of a picture, so yes, I did do it on purpose. Check it out! Ah, well, the blogger just stopped allowing me to upload pictures. So for the rest of this for now, it will be without images, and I will upload them when it stops acting stupid.

So after this point you had to turn up and go up more stairs, you were then faced with the main building of the fortress, what's in there? I dunno, we can't go in unless you have extra special permission I guess. Anyhow, the building was just cool. Not to mention the Gargoyles that were posted up on there, I will talk more of them in a minute though.

They have a gazebo, a couple of them actually up there, and as I walked to one of them I got an amazing look at the main church in the center of Heidelberg. Not the jesuit one, but another that was not opened to let us in because it had a service going on. Look how it towers over the whole rest of the city. Amazing!

Now we see the affect rain can have on an ever so beloved sister of mine. Poor girl. We offered her the umbrella though, and she didn't take it. So it's her fault. Later we'll see another picture of her again, Mood change? Perhaps!

Now here are these gargoyles I was talking about, gold dragons. Steph pointed them out to me, I may have missed them all together, but I got it, scary no? ;)

Oh look, an obelisk. I'm coming to believe everyone wants to be an Egyptian and that's all there is to it!

This is the main gate, it's clock on top fascinated me, why? I do not know, but it just struck my fancy. So you know I had to get a few pictures of it.

Steph and Mo, I will stick up for her in this picture, Mo was standing on a stone, but he is getting taller than her, soon. Poor girl, still soaked, but at least she is now smiling.

This is a picture of the same main building but an opposite view of it. Stinking tourists wouldn't get out of my way! Darn them! Way to almost ruin a completely great picture!

So who can tell me how on earth this sundial would ever work being on the side of a building? Is it a sun dial? or is it a map of the planets? That's one of life's mysteries I suppose.

So my final picture from Heidelberg is one final picture of the main building in the fortress. Again, I messed with the surroundings to give it a different edge. Did it work?

Where in the World is Sara D. Ray? Now you know!

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